For employer’s that really care about their employees!


a drop in for people to check on their mental health

A social enterprise dedicated to improving the health and well being of individuals everywhere

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Hey there! Welcome to "How Are You Today?" (HAYT) – your personal well-being buddy.

We're here to help you answer that burning question, "How are YOU today?"

This tool is for everyone - whether you're a workaholic, a chill-at-home enthusiast, a boss, intern, or the decision-maker at your desk.

Feel free to pop in whenever you like. We promise it won't judge you if you've got a messy desk!

about us

At HAYT, we're on a mission to make your well-being journey feel like a piece of cake (and not the kind you stress-eat at work).

Think of us as your trusty sidekick on the journey to a happier, more productive life.

Our Mission?

To make sure you're armed with all the tools and support you need to prioritise your well-being.

And guess what? Research tells us that when employers embrace well-being, their workplaces turn into wonderlands of happiness, and the business benefits are like discovering a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.

Our Approach

We're all about being proactive when it comes to well-being. Think of us as the wellness superheroes who believe in "prevention is better than cure."

For individuals, waiting until you're stressed out of your wits isn't the way to go. We're here to help you stay mentally fit and dodge those pesky negative well-being issues like Neo in The Matrix

For employers, if we said looking after your employee’s well-being will make you money, would that put it to the top of you r priority list? Well it does and it should be!

lets get serious for a minute - the stats

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Mental health causing workplace no-shows in the UK? Yep, it's a biggie! Since 2021, it's been the number one reason for not being in the office, accounting for a whopping 19% of all missed workdays. That's a whopping 319 million working days down the drain, costing employers a cool £43 billion (Health and Safety Executive, Health and Safety at Work: Statistics 2021/22).

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Here's the scoop on the negative wellbeing in the workplace trends:

  • The prevalence of mental health problems at work has been on the rise. In 2017, 1 in 6.8 people reported experiencing a common mental health problem in the workplace. That's quite the jump from 2009 when it was 1 in 13.2 (Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health at Work: Statistics).
  • Mental health-related absences are like a marathon, not a sprint. In 2021, the average mental health absence lasted a whole 25 days, compared to a measly 13 days for physical health issues (Health and Safety Executive, Health and Safety at Work: Statistics 2021/22).
  • Ladies and gents, there's a bit of a gap here: In 2021, 23% of women took time off for mental health reasons, compared to 15% of men (Mental Health Foundation, Mental Health Statistics: Women).

  • Certain jobs are like magnets for mental health issues. In 2021, absenteeism due to mental health was the highest in the education sector (32%), closely followed by the healthcare sector (27%) (Health and Safety Executive, Health and Safety at Work: Statistics 2021/22).
  • Sick days are on the rise, my friends! We've gone from 5.8 days in 2019 to a staggering 7.8 days in 2023, and the numbers are still climbing. Employers are being told to step up their game (Chartered Institute for Personal Development 2023).
  • Long-term sick leave doesn't exactly lead to job opportunities. Only 16.6% of people out of work for over a year made a comeback (according to UK ONS 2020).

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HAYT for Individuals

Picture this: you're on an airplane, and the flight attendant tells you to put on your oxygen mask before helping others.

Well, guess what? That's exactly how you should treat your well-being.

Did you know that 1 in 6 people in the past week alone experienced a common mental health problem? But here's the kicker: those who get mental health support are like the rockstars of life. They're more likely to be employed, have thicker wallets, and be healthier than those who don't.

Taking care of your well-being is like discovering a treasure chest:

Your well-being can cover a number of areas:

  • Mental Health: Prioritising your mental health is like having your own secret weapon. You'll be calmer, more in control, and ready to tackle life's curveballs.
  • Physical Health: Boosting your well-being often means better sleep, sharper thinking, and a swagger in your step.
  • Relationships: When you invest in your well-being, you'll be everyone's favourite friend, handling stress and change like a pro.

So, when life gets a little wonky, where do you go for some TLC? Enter the HAYT tool - your trusty sidekick on your journey to well-being.

What's the game plan?

  1. Use our free tool today to check in on your mental health.
  2. If needed, get help!
  3. Whatever your outcome, give your boss a nudge and tell them to jump on the well-being bandwagon. It's in their best interest too!

Hi Employers!

Did you know that investing in mental health support for your employees can be the best ROI since sliced bread? No kidding! A 2020 study by the UK Confederation of British Industry found that businesses investing in mental health support saw an average return of £5 for every £1 they put in. It's a no-brainer!

Here are some perks of supporting your team with mental health magic:

  • Reduced absenteeism: Supported employees are less likely to call in sick because they've got the skills to manage their mental health like champs, and know when they can ask for help.
  • Increased productivity: Happy employees are like Energizer bunnies at work. They stay focused, skip the mental health detours, and get the job done.
  • Improved morale: When employees know you've got their back, they'll be singing your praises, engaged and ready to conquer.
  • Loyalty and reduced staff turnover: People stick around when they feel valued. Plus, they see a future with you, not with the competition.
  • Improve culture: An inclusive and supportive workplace is like a hotbed for innovation, top-notch customer service, and happy, loyal customers.

So, what can HAYT do to help you be the boss of well-being?

Ready for this? We're your secret weapon for understanding how to support your team in the best possible way.

HAYT offers an anonymous service for employees to check in on their mental health. They can also share feedback about what's bugging them and impacting their mental health. This lets you make smart moves that'll boost your business.

Here are some ideas:

  • Make talking about mental health as normal as chatting about the weather. It'll make your team feel comfortable sharing their struggles.
  • Think outside the office box: Flexible work arrangements can do wonders for mental health. Say goodbye to stressful commutes and hello to a happier team.
  • Bring in the pros: Employee assistance programs (EAPs) offer confidential counselling and support services.
  • Train your managers to be mental health superheroes. They can spot early signs and offer support.
  • Invest in diversity training that's the real deal – led by people who've been there, done that.
  • Get to know your team better. Would they ask for help if they're caregivers, struggling financially, dealing with addiction, or facing abuse?

For Individuals:

  1. Well-being Assessments: Take our 10-minute assessment to see how your well-being stacks up. It's like a BuzzFeed quiz, but for your life.
  2. Top Tips for Well-being: Discover our recommended reads and resources to sprinkle well-being magic into your daily grind.
  3. Wellness in Nature: Get your dose of nature's healing power at the Anderton Centre. It's like a spa day for your soul.
  4. Professional Brand Development: Find your purpose with WhyMe?, our toolkit for levelling up your professional game.
  5. Personal Coaching: Unlock your full potential with personalised coaching sessions. It's like having a life coach, but cooler.

For Employers:

  1. Reporting and Guidance on the Health and Well-being of your Employees: We'll be your well-being GPS, showing you the way to happier, healthier staff. Use HAYT to anonymously track and monitor the health and well-being of your working family
  2. HAYT Team Health & Well-being Workshops: Boost your team's well-being, and watch them turn into workplace superheroes. Happier employees mean better results, and that's the name of the game.
  3. HAYT Equality & Diversity Training: Our unique portfolio of training utilises people from community that know and understand the challenges faced and how your organisation can implement REAL inclusive change
  4. HAYT In Work Health & Well-being Training: Give your employees superpowers with specialised well-being training. Because who wouldn't want to be an ANTZ superhero?

Why the VCSE sector and Carers need additional support

Welcome to our person-centred initiative dedicated to making a positive impact on those often overlooked, but vital communities – employees and volunteers in the Voluntary, Community, and Social Enterprise (VCSE) sector, as well as the incredible individuals who tirelessly care for their loved ones, our cherished carers.

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Why We Care?

As a social enterprise, our mission goes beyond profit margins. We're driven by a deep commitment to supporting the well-being of these unsung heroes who play pivotal roles in our society.

Let's Talk Numbers and Realities

For VCSE Employees and Volunteers:

  • In a 2019 study by the National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), a staggering 42% of VCSE employees and volunteers reported experiencing mental health problems in the past year. This is significantly higher than the 25% rate in the general population.
  • The 2020 Mental Health Foundation study highlighted that VCSE employees are more prone to stress, burnout, and anxiety compared to their counterparts in other sectors. Shockingly, they also have limited access to mental health support.
  • A 2021 University of Birmingham study uncovered that VCSE volunteers are more susceptible to stress, burnout, and depression than the general population. Alarming, they are less likely to seek help for their mental health.

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For Carers:

  • In 2019, the Carers Trust found that a staggering 56% of carers in the UK reported experiencing mental health problems, more than twice the rate of the general population.
  • The 2020 University of Manchester study revealed that carers face higher levels of depression, anxiety, and stress compared to the general population. Shockingly, they are also less likely to seek support for their mental health.
  • A 2021 Mental Health Foundation study pointed out that carers are at a higher risk of experiencing burnout than the general population and often have limited access to mental health support.

Why Is This Happening?

Several factors contribute to this mental health challenge:

For VCSE Employees and Volunteers:

  • The demanding nature of VCSE work, characterized by long hours, low pay, and tackling complex and challenging issues.
  • Scarce resources and support for VCSE organizations, leading to feelings of overwhelm and isolation.
  • The lingering stigma around mental health, deterring employees and volunteers from seeking help.

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For Carers:

  • The physically and emotionally taxing nature of caregiving, often involving long hours, strain, and limited respite.
  • Social isolation experienced by carers as they may need to sacrifice work or social activities to care for their loved ones.
  • The inadequate support and resources available to carers, causing them to feel overwhelmed and unsupported.
  • The stigma surrounding mental health, preventing carers from seeking assistance.

Our Commitment to Positive Change

We're not just pointing out the issues; we're actively working towards solutions.

What We're Doing:

  • For every employer that funds a HAYT program within their organization, we will provide the same service to an organization from the VCSE sector.
  • As a social enterprise, all our profits are reinvested into the communities we serve. Specifically, HAYT pledges to allocate 10% of all profits to a fund accessible by VCSE sector individuals and carers. This fund can be used for:
    • Mental health support
    • Counselling and mentoring
    • Respite care for carers
    • Financial support and advice
    • in fact anything that organisation or individual thinks will have a positive impact on well-being

We are dedicated to raising awareness of negative mental health in the VCSE sector and taking tangible steps to enhance support for these invaluable contributors to our communities. Together, let's make a positive change.

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Contact us

Call: 07782200790


All our technology is built and supported by a social enterprise called The Technology for Society Company